
Legend of 2 Latis Reshiram Ver

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Literature Text

The Legend of the Two Latis: Reshiram Version

Chapter 1-"Ordinary" Day

"Where do you think you are going?" my mom asked.

"Camping.  Why do you ask?" I replied.

My name is George Davidson. If there one thing that I like more than staying at home, it would be camping.  I usually go camping on my own, so it is not a very big deal at all.

"How long are you going to be gone?" my mom asked.

"In about a week I will be back.  Don't worry mom; I'll be fine," I ensured her.

I then grabbed all of my necessary materials that I would need to make this trip possible.  I also decided to grab my iPod and I turned on.  It started playing "Shadow of the Day" by Linkin Park.  I then packed my things in my van.

I started the car, and headed off to my favorite camping ground off in the Western Michigan Forests.  I remember that I once spent a whole month there.

When I arrived, I started to set everything up in my miniature condominium.  When I finished putting everything in their place, I saw something come crashing down from the sky.

"Is that a comet?" I asked myself.

Then I just realized something.  It had a reddish color to it.

"That can't be a comet!  It is too reddish!" I exclaimed.

Then I realized something else.  It seems to be landing close to me.  I immediately took cover.  The thing landed on the ground with a mighty thump.  At this time, my iPod is starting to play New Divide by Linkin Park.  As I got up to take a closer look, the creature made a groan and screamed a scream that was not human or any other animal here on earth.  In fact, I think I exactly know what it is: Latias.  However, how in the world did it escape the Pokémon world and enter my world?  I decided to go investigate and ask questions if Latias could understand me.

Chapter 2 - The Investigation

As I approached the Latias, it was waking up.  It looked so graceful, but when I saw the pain and agony in Latias's eyes, it just made me feel so depressed and as I moved in to get a closer look, I realized it saw me.  It tried to flee, but try as she might, she could not flee.

"It is okay... it is okay... I am not going to hurt you," I said in a calm voice.  "Whoever did this to you is going to get a good beating from me!  I cannot tolerate anything like this at all!  It just makes me feel angry at the one who did this, but it also makes me feel sad," shedding a tear, "about how you got damaged like this."

'I know how you feel,' Latias replied as I was bandaging her up.  'I can feel every last bit of how you feel about me.'

"Did you just-" I said trying to get out what I was trying to say.

'Did I just use telepathy: yes,' Latias replied. 'After all, I am a physic type.'

"Yeah... so anyway, I am now going to bring you into my cottage so that you can heal properly," I told her.

'Okay... uh... I didn't get your name,' Latias told me.

"Oh, my name is George, George Davidson," I told her.

'Thank you George for saving me,' Latias told me.  She then nuzzled my cheek, and gave me a kiss.  I then stared to blush.  I then realized what time it was.

"If you want to Latias, come and sleep with me in my cottage tonight if you are feeling better.  I'm not forcing you to," I told her.

'That is fine by me if it's fine by you,' she replied.  As she said this, she jumped onto my bed and started to kiss me...on the lips.  I then started to blush for a second time.

"I'll never wash these lips again!" I said with a hint of love in my voice.

Latias, on the other hand, started giggling.  Out of nowhere, 21 Guns by Green Day started to play.

'Oh, and George, I forgot to give this to you earlier!' Latias exclaimed with some realization in her voice. She then pulled out to be a stone of some sort.  'I forgot to give you the Soul Dew.'

"How come you are letting me have the Soul Dew?" I asked.

'It is rather hard to explain,' Latias started.  'The Soul Dew is only given to a human in whom a Latios or a Latias trusts.  In this case, I gave you the Soul Dew of a Latios, who died in Altomare just before my brother was born.'

"What a second... you are one of the guardians of the city of Altomare?" I asked.

Chapter 3 - The Prophecy

'Yes, I am indeed one of the two Guardians of Altomare.  In fact, according to the prophecy in which Latios fulfilled, nobody even knew a part until 3 weeks ago.  The final piece of the prophecy states that a Latias would go to a different world and give the Soul Dew of my brother to a human.  That human that they depicted is you George,' Latias stated.

"But then how am I going to become a Latios?" I asked.

'You see, that is the part that was never mentioned at all in the prophecy,' Latias replied with a grim expression on her face.

"Hey, don't feel down.  It is not your fault.  We just have to find out how to make me become Latios," I told her in a calm tone.

'Thanks, George.  You gave me more confidence than I needed to have,' Latias replied.

"No problem, sis.  Wait!  Why in the world did I say that?" I said to myself.  Just then, my iPod started to play Never Say Never by The Fray.

Chapter 4-Change in Mental State

"What is going on?  I feel as if my brain has divided into 2 sectors:  One saying that we should be together until the end of time, and the other side is saying to not trust any humans whether if it is family or not," I reported to Latias.

(Author's Note:  From here on out, Latias is going to speaking from her lips in George's view, but no person can understand her because she is using squeals and shrieks.)

"To me, it seems like you are becoming more like a mixture of   and yourself; thus, it creates a duel persona for now; however, over time those separate personas would integrate into a new persona that has both traits of you and Latios," Latias stated in calm manner.

"So, what you are trying to say is that I am going to become a Latios not now, but in the future?" I asked in a curious manner.

"Exactly," Latias replied.

"Latias, I am sorry to say this but I have been here for a week.  I need to leave for my home," I told her with a sad look on my face.

"No!  I am not leaving you George!  I want to be with you!" she yelled with a sad look on her face.

"I'm sorry Latias, but I do not know how my parents would react if they saw a Pokémon like you," I replied calmly.  "Listen, you can come home with me as long as you stay hidden," I told her.

"Okay, I completely understand you," she replied.  

"Listen Latias, it is getting late," so I am going to head off to bed," I told her.

"Fine, George.  I'll be right there," Latias replied.

As I got in bed, Latias decided to curl herself up on my bed.

"Goodnight...Latias," I said to Latias before I fell asleep.

Chapter 5-The Return of the "Fallen" Soul

It was morning.  I would up to find Latias looking out my bedroom window.

"You miss him, don't you?" I asked startling Latias.

"Yes, I miss Latios," she replied. "I just wonder if I'd ever see him again."

"You possibly may see him again soon," I ensured.

As Latias and I were eating breakfast, we saw a blue flash in the sky.  When we were finished, we heard a loud wailing in the distance.  Not only had that, but "Know Your Enemy" from Green Day started playing.

"What was that?" I asked.

"It may be my brother's plead for help," Latias answered.  "It is coming from where you found me!  Let's hurry along!"

As we headed towards the wailing, the wailing's sound decreased, as we got closer.

"That is a sign that he is weakening!" Latias exclaimed.

As we arrived at the site, Latias and I saw her brother Latios tangled up in a net made of cables.  The Latios looked damaged well enough that you can paint a picture with the cuts and scratches.  All of a sudden, Latios used his physic abilities to throw me against a tree.

"Latios, stop!  He is the one who saved me from a net similar to yours!" Latias exclaimed.



"Fine; if you trust him, then so shall I," Latios replied calmer than before.

As George regained consciousness, he picked up his bolt cutters and went over to Latios.  Latios than thought George was going to kill him, but instead, George set his bolt cutters down.

"It is going to be alright Latios, you are going to be okay," I ensured him.  "I am just only going to cut the cable net without hurting you, and then I am going to bandage you up."

"Go ahead.  Make my day," Latios replied.

I then cut the net, and then I got out my first aid kit.  After I quickly bandaged him up, I told him, "I am going to carry you to my van so that you may heal. Understand?"

"Yes, mom," Latios replied while rolling his eyes.

As we headed to the van, Latios and Latias were trying to get in and they said, "We cannot fit in the door."

I then thought over that and then I said, "Wait, I have an idea.  If you two can transform into a human form, then you might be able to fit into the van."

I then showed them my Pokémon Black and White guidebook and said, "Maybe Latios," while pointing to the male hero figure, "can be this guy, and Latias," while pointing to the female hero figure, "can be this girl.  That way, my parents will not have to see your Latias and Latios forms."

"This can work," Latios replied.

"Who knows?  It maybe foolproof," Latias replied to George.

Just then, right where Latios and Latias were standing, a column of light as bright as the sun shot up from out of nowhere.  Then the light stopped revealing Latias and Latios's transformation.

"Well?" Latios asked.

"How do we look?" Latias asked.

"Just like the characters from the game!  Now, try posing just like the characters from the game!" I said excitedly.

They did, and I could not believe my eyes.  Then, my iPod started to play Bleed It Out by Linkin Park.

"You make perfect duplicates of the two characters from my game!" I told them with enthusiasm.  "The only thing now is that you two need names for when you are in this form."

"Well then, call me Lance," Latios said.

"And I prefer to be called Lilly," Latias said.

"Perfect!  Alright, we should hit the road by now," I told them.

"Right!" both Lance and Lilly said at the same time.

Chapter 6-Homebound

While we were on the road, I asked Lance and Lilly some questions.

"So, Lance and Lilly, tell me, how did you get here?" I asked.

"Well, one minute we were in Altomare, and then the next minute we were crashing through the skies towards where you were," Lance said.

(Author's Note:  The whole story is going to be released in both Latias's and Latios's perspective before chapter one in the near future.)

"Now I see," I replied.  "Now, ever since Latias gave me the Soul Dew, I have gained knowledge of doing stuff.  It felt as if my IQ blew through the roof of my head."

"That would be because the Soul Dew is the soul of either a Latias or a Latios," Lilly replied.  "In fact, if a Latias or a Latios were to give the Soul Dew to a human, that means that the human is chosen to become either a Latios or a Latias just only based on gender, not based on the color of the Soul Dew."

"Okay, now I know what my purpose is.  It is becoming clear to me.  I think it is my destiny to take Latios's place as Guardian of Altomare in the future.  The only problem is: how do I get there?" I told them.

"See, that is the thing.  Only the Soul Dew knows how to get back to Altomare, even if it is in a different dimension," Lance replied.

"Then how did you Cross-Dimension Travel between two dimensions without Palkia?" I asked both Lance and Lilly.

"That is what we are trying to figure out!" Lance and Lilly exclaimed.

"Okay," I replied.  "Changing the subject, do you want to sleep in my room tonight?  I have a big enough of a bed that can hold all three of us."

"Sure, that would be fine," Lilly replied.

"Same here," Lance replied.

We then arrived home, and I said, "Well, this is it.  This is where I live."

"Pretty nice place," Lilly told me.

"I could not agree more," Lance said staring in awe.

Chapter 7-My Parents Investigation

As I opened the door, my parents were sitting on the couch in the living room watching the Local News.  I turned off my iPod so that I can hear them when I am going to be conversing with them.

"Hey mom, dad!  I am home!" I said.

"What you came home already?  I thought you were going to stay for two weeks?" my mom questioned me.

"I thought so, too; however, I had to come home early because the whole next week was going to be heavy rain!" I told them.

"Oh.  Anyways, are you going to introduce us to your friends?" my dad asked.

"Right!  I almost forgot!  Mom, dad, this is Lilly and this is Lance, but they are a little shy.  They tend not to speak to people who they don't know," I said.

"Well nice to meet you Lance and Lilly," my dad said.  "I am George's father, but you can call me Chuck if you want!"

"And I am his mother, Betty!" my mother said.

"Mom, it does not mean that since they are mutes that you yell at the tip-top of your lungs," I told her.

"Sorry.  I guess I was in mix-up between deaf people and mute people!" my mom replied.

I than looked at my friends, and told them slowly with me also doing sign language, "We should go upstairs into my room and talk through sign language."

They both nodded and walked with me towards my bedroom.  As we all entered my bedroom, I closed and locked my bedroom door.  Just then, my cell phone rang.  I picked it up, and talked into it as if I was the person from those Discover card commercials.

"Thank you for calling USA Prime Credit.  My name George," I said.

"George, cut it out.  It is me, Allison Mayz," Allison told me.  I could tell that she was excited because I can tell by her playing her Pokémon Sapphire game.

"So, what's up?" I asked calmly in a neutral way.  Now, I did not notice this right now, but Latias was now listening on his conversation.

"You wouldn't believe what I just caught!" Allison replied with now enthusiasm and excitement.  Just then, I saw both Latias and Latios listening in.

"I have no clue," I replied clueless.

"I JUST CAUGHT A LATIAS!!!" she yelled.

Out of nowhere, Latios decided to attack the phone, but Latias just blocked his path and had nowhere to go.

"Well, then you are going to have to come over and show me tomorrow, but I can only have you over at my place because my parents are seeing a movie," I told Allison briefly about the hangout schedule.

"Alright!  See you tomorrow!  Bye!" she said before she hung up on me.

"Bye!" I said before Allison hung up on him.  George than sighed a sigh because of what Latios's actions may have resulted into.  "You know Latios; you almost gave away the surprise that I have planned for Allison for when she comes tomorrow.  You know that, right?" I asked Latios calmly.

"No.  Somehow, I thought that she was talking about her capturing my sister.  Sorry about that confusion," Latios replied honestly.

"It is fine, Latios.  You do not need to worry any longer because I forgive you," I replied.

Chapter 8-Destiny Retold

Just then, I could hear my mom coming upstairs to do her routine check on my friends and me.  Since my bedroom was at the end of the hall, it would inevitably give Latias and Latios to change back into their human forms of Lilly and Lance.  Just before George's parents opened the door, Latias and Latios were already in their human forms.

"How is it going on in here?" my mom asked in plain curiosity.

"We are just chatting amongst each one of us," I replied concealing my nervousness and showed just bare happiness.

"Okay, good.  George, your father and I thought about something long and hard today.  You see, we were thinking that since the three of you are happy with one and another, we decided to grant you to have the ability to have them stay here as long as they want," my mom told me in the open field of neutrality.

"Thank you, mom," I replied to her with a hug.

After we were done hugging, she left Lance, Lilly, and I in the room.

"Lance, Lilly; I will be changing to my night cloths right now.  I will be back in about either a minute or 5 minutes.  It should take me somewhere in that time range," I told both of them as I left my bedroom.

Meanwhile, Lance and Lilly are starting to have a discussion.  However, both of them noticed that instead of whaling noise that sounded inhumane, they realized that they could talk through their mouths now in their human forms.

"Lilly, do you trust George through everything that he performed for us so that we can still be living?"

"Lance, I trust him to a level where he is more than a best friend to me," Lilly replied.  "How about you, Lance?  Do you feel that you can trust George?"

"I am leaning more towards the trust sector by a fraction greater than the non-trust sector," Lance replied.  "What if you were right about the prophecy?  What if he becomes one of us who can do things that regular Eon Species Pokémon could not do?"

"Those are some of the many mysteries that are set forth from the prophecy.  Although, I do know this:  he will be able to bring us back to our home of Altomare!  We will finally be home and he will have the ability to keep both worlds in balance.  If the prophecy is correct, he would be able to keep both worlds at a forever long-lasting peace," Lilly said happily.

As soon as she finished talking, I came back into the room.

"So, what were you guys and gals talking about?" I asked both Lilly and Lance.

"Nothing really.  We were just talking about how we would able to get back to the Pokémon world," Lilly replied to my question.

I then began to reorganize my thoughts.  Then, a light bulb went off in my head.  I then asked both Lance and Lilly, "Lance and Lilly, you both told me that you were the Guardians of Altomare, right?"

"Yes we are the Guardians of Altomare in the Pokémon world," they both said at the same time.

"I was just thinking.  I know where Altomare is located in my world," I told them.

"REALLY?!" Lilly exclaimed in a happier tone.


"Yes!  The town that looks exactly like your town is all the way over in Italy.  The name of the town is Venice," I told them.

"SERIOUSLY?!" both Lance and Lilly exclaimed as they are starting to become overwhelmed with pure happiness.

"Yes!  I tell you of no lies!  However, there is a slight problem," I told them starting to feel scared.

"Go on!" Lance exclaimed.

"It is halfway across the world and my family is in need of passports, or a little book that you carry around with you as are traveling," I explained.

"Wow.  Now it seems like it is now harder to travel to Venice," Latias replied with a sadistic expression on her face.

"Do not worry, Lilly!  We will all soon find a way to get us to Venice!" I said being optimistic.

"Thank you, George," Lilly replied.  "You do not know how much that means to me!"

"Your welcome, Lilly," I replied.  I then looked over at the clock and it read 11:45 PM.

"I think we should head off to bed," I told them as I locked my bedroom door, turned around, and started making my way towards my bed. Then I realized something:  how would Latias and Latios sleep on my bed without causing a single wrinkle?

They knew exactly what I was thinking.  "George, we can sleep on your bed while you can sleep on the water mattress that Lilly and I set up for you," Lance told me.  I did not want to disobey him, so I did what I was asked.

Chapter 9-Odd Dreams

After I had fallen asleep, I looking at something in my dream, but I could not see a single thing with this haze and fog combination as thick as pea soup.

"Hello? Anyone there?" I was yelling and asking at the same time at nothing.

Silence burdened the landscape. Out of the eerie silence was a voice, a voice that sounded just like his.

"I am here, George," the voice said.  "I will not harm you.  I know your future, past, and present."

"How do you know so much about me?  Where am I?" George asked.

"Those questions will be answered in time, but for now, you, and you alone must protect Latias and Latios, for if you fail, you will suffer a pain so greater that it would put you in a lifelong depression," the voice replied.  "Only you have the key to the future, but the lock can only be found in time.  You must wake now.  Your friends want you to wake up."

With that said, the voice's presence left, and left George alone.  "WAIT!  DON'T LEAVE!" George yelled in his dream before he woke up.
Shortly after George's dream shorted out his bolted up right in his bed.

Chapter 10-The Prophecy Slowly Fulfills

"George, are you okay?  You were yelling in your sleep last night," Latias told him in her true form.

"Not to mention you sleepwalking towards the Soul Dew," Latios added in his true form.

"Seriously?  Wow!" George said surprised.  Then he rushed toward his window and saw that both of his parent's cars are gone.  They must have gone to work, George thought.  George then grabbed his iPod, turned it on, and started playing What I've Done by Linkin Park.

"Speaking of the Soul Dew, where is it?" Latios asked.

"I do not know," George replied.  Just after George decided to get dressed, both Latias and Latios had a shocked expression on their faces that suggested that something was wrong.

"G-g-g-g-Geo-r-r-ge!  Som-m-m-methin-n-ngs wr-r-rong with your-r ches-s-st!" Latias stammered in shock.

"What are you talking ab-OUT!!!" George said after looking in the mirror.  Right smack dab in the middle of his chest was a hemisphere that was the diameter of a penny.


"George calm down!" Latias said to him.

"The hemisphere embedded in your chest is the Soul Dew!" Latios told George.  "Tell me, did you have any strange dreams last night?"

"Yes, yes I did!  There was a voice that sounded equivalent to mine in both pitch and frequency!" George exclaimed.

"That means the prophecy is true!  George is the Chosen One!" Latios said.

"What do you mean?" George asked.

Latias sighed, then looked at George.  "For thousands of years, we were exiled from our home in the Pokémon world of Altomare.  The reason was that Altomare would become flooded after 10,000 years of sea level rise.  The same is true for your world. Surely if the prophecy did not come true, lives would be lost," Latias told George.

"So, what you are saying is that I may become a Human-Pokémon Hybrid that can change forms?" George asked.

"In time, possibly," Latios replied.

'However, it is no easy task,' a physic voice said.

"Did you say something, Latios?" George asked.

"No, I only said three words," Latios replied.

"Then, who did say something?" George asked.

'I did,' revealing itself in front of the doorway to George's room.

George was speechless from the large, massive build of the creature.  It was a whitish-silver body, but some parts have a navy-blue color to it.  It had a long, silver tail tipped with two navy-blue spikes on it.  It had two three toed feet that were digitigraded, instead of two five toed plantigraded feet.  It had V-shaped navy-blue mark on its torso.  For its arms, it had to five fingered wings.  On its back, ten navy-blue plates lined next to where its spinal cord was.  It head I could make out what kind if Pokémon it was.

"Can it be?  Can it seriously be a L-l-l-Lugia?!" George said with disbelief.

'Yes, George.  I am the one and only one Lugia that exists on this world.  I am here to talk to you about the Soul Dew.  You can copy the Soul Dew from your chest to give it to another person, but it only can be copied into their chest,' Lugia told George simply.

"Wow.  I never knew that!" George exclaimed.

"So do us," Latias and Latios replied.

'Listen, I can't stay here for any longer or people would get suspicious,' Lugia notified.

"We're all ears," Latias, Latios, and I replied.

'I hope we can see each other in the future,' Lugia replied.

We all then saw Lugia leave through my window and head off into the sunrise.

Chapter 11-The "Surprise"

It was noon, and Allison was about to arrive.  My iPod was currently playing Wake by Linkin Park.

"Alright, does everyone know the drill?" I asked Lance and Lilly.

"Transform only when we think she is ready," Lance and Lilly replied.

"Good!  That means we are ready for the real interaction," I replied.

Just then, the doorbell rang, and I knew immediately knew it was Allison.  My iPod then started to play "You Spin Me Around (Like a Record)" by Dead or Alive.

"Glad you came, Allison," I said as she came into the house.

"Thank you, George, for allowing me to come over," she replied.

"Your welcome!" I replied as if I was taking it like a compliment.  "Now, Allison, I want you to meet some people that I ran into while camping.  Meet Lilly and Lance.  I just ran into them when I was hiking.  You see, I was hiking and I first found Lilly, then I found Lance.  They told me that their parents died in a crash, and they were the only survivors remaining."

Allison then looked at Lance and Lilly, then she looked at me with a puzzled look on her face.

"Are you sure because they seem as if they came straight out of Pokémon Black and White.  I just have a feeling in my gut that you are not telling me the truth," Allison replied calmly with a puzzled look on her face.

Just then, Lance and Lilly were sweating profusely.  Just before I could tell her the truth, Allison immediately just looked ever so more puzzled.

"They look nervous.  Are they okay?" Allison asked out of curiosity.

"They are just nervous because you are thinking that they resemble the male and female hero of Pokémon Black and White.  Not only that, but they do not want to talk about anything dealing with their parents' death," I told her.  "Now, you told me over the phone that you caught a Latias in Sapphire game, correct?" I asked Allison in an appropriate manner.

"Yes, that is correct," she replied.  All the meanwhile, "Hands Held High" by Linkin Park started playing.

We then walked up to my room upstairs, and as I walked in, Lilly and Lance were on my bed waiting for the moment for them to see the Latias.  When we took at the Latias's statistics, Lilly scoffed at the stats.

"I bet those are just the basics," Lilly said in an angry tone.

"Lilly, do not start a fight right now," I told her calmly.

"Okay," she replied a little bit more calmly.

Lucky for us, the argument lasted shorter than a heartbeat.

"So, Lance and Lilly, have you collected all the games?" Allison asked.

Trying to make up a lie, which Latias and Latios cannot do, they both said simply and plainly, "Yes."

"Cool!  Where are they?!" Allison replied excitedly.

"You see, we lost our games in the car crash," Lance lied.

"Ouch.  Sorry to hear that," Allison replied.  "Maybe someone may find the games one day!"

"It won't be that easy," Lilly replied, going along the lying train with her brother.  "They melted in the flames of the car."

"Oh," Allison said speechlessly.

Just then, I could not stop the tension build up within me due to the massive amounts of lying.

"Allison, I have a confession," I told her.

"Go ahead.  I am all ears," she replied calmly.

"How do I explain this without making you faint from too much excitement:  I lied about Lance and Lilly," I told her.  "Prepare to board the Crazy Train," I warned her.

Just in front of her eyes, Lance and Lilly transformed into their true forms.  Allison was just speechless in pure astonishment. I then decided to walk out of my room and pack a bag of food for me to need for a couple of days.  I just did not want Allison to kill me, which at the time she was at my house would not do such a thing.  I then left for the woods behind my home to be left alone for a couple of days.

Meanwhile, at Team Plasma's headquarters in the Pokémon world, Gheteis was tracking the Soul Dew's movement on George's planet.

"We will get that Soul Dew and use it to power our machine: Inter-dimensional Transporter or Codenamed Project IT," he Saudi to himself.

Chapter 12 - The Regret

Back in the real world, it was three days since George left his home, his family, and most importantly his friends.  He felt ashamed for leaving his home like that.  In fact, Latios, Latias, and Allison have passed the cave he was hiding in many times.  Today, he just wanted to kill himself due to his stupid mistakes.

He just wanted to leave for home, but a part of him said that he was going to be patient.  He was glad, on the brighter side, that he has used his food sparingly, kept his iPod muted when his friends passed by, and glad that he still was living.

He woke up the following morning and turned on his iPod.  It started up and then started playing "Given Up" by Linkin Park on the lowest volume setting possible.  He just wondered what would happen if Destiny and Fate have never intertwined.

Suddenly, he heard someone's voice.  "George?  George?  Where are you George?  Why did you have to leave?" the voice asked in a concerned voice.

George just then realized that he knew that voice.  The voice belonged to the one and only Allison, George's girlfriend.  He wanted to go, but he could not because he felt that he betrayed her.  Once Allison left, he then felt a strong physic presence closing in on his location.  During this situation, "The Final Countdown" by Europe was playing quietly.

"Whoever is there, please leave me alone!" George whispered in fear.

'It is only me, the one and only Lugia,' Lugia told George.

"I'm sorry, Lugia," I whispered.  "I just thought that you were just one of my friends that I betrayed three days ago."

'You did not betray them at all, George.  What you did was inconsiderable and was just pure regret.  You regretted that you have shown Latios and Latias to Allison.  Instead, Allison did not feel bad about you lying, but she did feel bad about you leaving without reason,' Lugia told me.

"So, summarizing what you are saying, you are saying that they miss me?" I asked in reconsideration.

Lugia nodded and then told George, 'Tonight, you will sneak back into your home, and fall asleep.  However, you must be careful.  If you are not, Latias might hug you to death, literally.  Not only that, but Latios would pass out for a couple of days.  Now, both Latios and Latias leaves the doors unlocked, but the windows remain open to allow fresh air into the house.  I will teleport you inside your house on the second floor.  Be aware of any object that is on the floor for the noise that the object creates may wake Latios and Latias.  That is where you come in.  You will walk around the objects, and that is all you have to do.  When you approach the door, the door is rigged with a physic sensor that is only seen by Physic Pokémon.  I will then teleport you past this sensor, and then you must tiptoe into your bed.  Then, everything is clear from there.  Do you accept this once-in-a-lifetime mission 001?'

I just laughed at the thought of this and then said, "I accept this mission."

'Good, because it starts now,' Lugia told me.

I then realized that it was 11:50 EDT.  I than walked to the edge if the forest.  By the time I arrived, it was already midnight.

'Are you ready?' Lugia asked me.

"Ready, sir," I replied.

He then teleported me to the second floor of my house into my parents room.

Chapter 13 - The Mission

I then looked out into the hallway.  Lights were off, and the only light I had was the moonlight.  The objects, in my opinion, were too reflective.  I stepped my way around the objects and stopped at my room door.

Then, Lugia, using his mental abilities, teleported me to my closet in my room.  After all of that chaos, I somehow managed to fall asleep.

I woke up the next morning to voices behind the door.  During the conversation, I was listening to "Numb" by Linkin Park.

"I feel so upset that George left so suddenly!  I just want to see him again!" the first voice said.

"He might be in the heavens listening to us," the second voice said.

They then cried so much that they could have filled a swimming pool.  I waited until they exited the room, and I immediately exited the closet quietly and slowly made it to my bed, and then sat on it.  I waited 45 minutes until the front door opened.  I immediately made it to underneath my bed.

"Did you hear that?" the first voice asked.

"Yes, I did hear that.  Let's check upstairs where it came from," the second voice said.

Then I heard Allison's voice.  "It must have come from George's room!" she exclaimed.

I gulped.  I was doomed.  I decided to stay put for best of everything.

"Show yourself!" the first voice said.

I then realized that Latios and Latias were in the room.  Suddenly, I heard Lugia's voice in my head only.

'Abort the mission!  Abort the mission!  You blew your cover!' he warned me.

'No.  This is my fault and I am the only who can fix it,' I told Lugia through my thoughts.

'If you say so,' he replied and then left my thoughts.

I then saw that everyone closing in around me.  I was panicking with no noise. I then saw hands come from all the sides of my bed.  I somehow just past out and I knew no more.

Chapter 14 - Cover Blown

I woke up in a dark room.  I realized it was the basement of my house.  I only saw a table with a plate of doughnuts with a light directly above it.  I decided to eat the whole plate.  I am thinking that there are cops at my home.  Just what I needed: a nice piece of criminal injustice of breaking in into my own home.

The door to the basement opened and I saw to cops coming down the stairs.  I got very nervous by the fact that they wanted to ask me many questions before they threw me into jail so that my father can throw my bail.  That reminds me of a song called "Hotrod Lincoln" by Johnny Cash.

One of them was standing over in the corner crossing their arms and laying back against the poll that was at the bottom of the stairwell.  The other one sat at the seat directly across from me.

I then immediately spilled the beans due to the pressure I was having from the intense situation.  I told them everything from the camping trip to where I snuck back into my house.

"Well, since it is your home after all, do you technically own it?" he asked me with a color shift from green to red and back to green after removing his glasses.

"No.  No I do not own this house-," I paused, "Latios," I said with a cheesy smile on my face.

"Latios?  Who is this Latios you speak of?  I am not Latios!" he said nervously.  I did not believe a word he was saying because I knew for a fact that his legs were not quaking and his back was all shaking.

I stood up for my spot and said calmly, almost like Severus Snape, "Don't lie to me.  I know that you are lying.  In fact, I can tell that this lamp is a hologram!". I than waved my hand through it, and I was right.

"That is not all I know!  In fact, your little buddy is none other than Latias!  I do not need to show any evidence whatsoever that my girlfriend Allison is listening to us at this very minute along with my parents.  I also know that the transportation method that you used was neither a bus nor car, van, or any other vehicle.  I know that you flew here and came into my room and when I passed out, both you and Latias disguised yourselves as police officers of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, or FBI for short.  You then made holograms of everything in this room to make it look like a confession room at a state police station.  In fact, these handcuffs are not real at all," I said as I was taking the handcuffs off.  "I know stuff that you may think that I may not know!  Now, discard your disguises and show me your real forms, now!  I do not take lies here, people!  I have a zero tolerance policy."

"Very well, then," "Latios" said.  "I will see what I can do."

Meanwhile, Allison has had enough.  'Latios!  Stop this madness!  You are driving my boyfriend mad and crazy!  The next thing you know, he will be put into a mental institution!' she exclaimed in her thoughts.

'Fine.  I am done anyway.  I coming upstairs, so unlock the door for me,' Latios replied.

Back in the basement, "Latios" just went upstairs leaving his buddy behind.  I gulped, again, but then all of the fear washed away with optimism, but how?  As I was thinking this over, I played "No More Sorrow" by Linkin Park.

Suddenly, "Latios's" buddy walked over to me.  I became so nervous that I could not even move, even if I wanted to!  All of a sudden, the "Latios's" buddy spoke.

"You are definitely correct," the man said with a feminine voice.

"I know I am, Latias," I replied. I then saw her discard her disguise and I ran up to her to give her a hug.

"I missed you!" Latias said breaking out in tears.

"I missed you, too!" I replied, also breaking out into tears.

We would not let go for a whole fifteen minutes until Latias let me go.

Chapter 15 - What Happened 3 Days Ago

"Why did you leave three days ago?" Latias asked.

"Well, I thought that any one of the following choices may have happened:  a.) Allison may have told people that Pokémon are real, b.) Allison may have wanted to have you, which Latios would not allow, c.) Allison would do both choice a and choice b, or d.) Allison would have done none of the above," I explained.

"Allison did nothing; she did not tell a single person at all!" Latias replied.  "Look, when you left, Allison, Latios, and I went downstairs to tell your parents.  They did not believe anything we said, so Latios and I revealed our true forms to your parents.  However, we quickly reverted to our human forms and erased any memory of any of the four of us in their memories, and we told them that they lived in California, not Michigan.  We also did the same with Allison's parents.  During the other two days, we were looking for you.  We looked everywhere, both high and low.  Where were you?"

"I was in a cave approximately 200 yards away from this location in the woods," I replied. "I also ran into Lugia again.  He is the reason why I am here, and I thank him on levels beyond gratitude."

"Now I understand everything!" Latias replied.

"I am guessing Latios is feeding all of this information to Allison right now, isn't he?" I asked.

"Yes he is, and he knew this conversation was for us only," Latias replied.

We then headed upstairs to regroup.

"Show us the cave," Allison and Latios said.

"Fine," I replied.

After we all traveled 200 yards to the cave, Latios and Latias were struck in awe.

"What?  It is just your average everyday cave.  What is so special about it?" I asked.

"This is not an ordinary cave," Latios said.

"This is the Cave if Legends!" Latias exclaimed.

Chapter 16 - The Real World's Cave of Origin

I was just paralyzed with fear.  My iPod than started playing "Paralyzer" by Finger Eleven.

"How do you know this cave?" I asked.

"It was told by a Latias and a Latios many generations ago.  It was foretold that it would be on a Earth.  However, they never specified which dimension it was in," Latios told us.  "Legend has it that a boy would take us there once the Latis knew each other very well."

"That would be me," I said.  "Oh, Allison, this may not be the right time for this, but I would like you to give a copy of my Soul Dew."

"How did you get the Soul Dew in your chest?" Allison asked.

"Long story.  Anyways, do you want a Soul Dew to become part of you?" I asked her.

"No!" she yelled.

"Oh man!  If you had just said yes, you would have abilities that no other human could have!" I told Allison.

Allison thought over it, and then she replied, "Okay, do it then."

"Thank you for understanding," I replied.  I then started building powering power in my Soul Dew. Suddenly, the power reached maximum level and shot a beam of red light towards Allison.

"How do you feel, Allison?" I asked.

"I feel as if I just got an energy boost," Allison replied.

There was a long silence for a couple of minutes until Latias broke the tension.  "That moment just before we all went silent was also prophesied," Latias added to her own previous statement.

"So, what happens now?" I asked.

"We run.  My reason:  we are being hunted by Team Plasma," Latios replied.

We then ran from the cave to wherever we could find shelter from Gheteis and the other Team Plasma members.

Chapter 17 - Hunt for Team Plasma

As we headed into Detroit by car, we noticed something that the announcers on the radio were talking about.  During that time, my iPod was playing "Never Enough" by Kiss.

"We interrupt your regular scheduled program with this special report.  Scientists are baffled about how they were able to find Pokémon creatures on our planet.  This is the leading cause in young children to start having their own Pokémon.  This may then lead to an actual real life game play that is not virtual reality.  This concludes our special report," the announcer said.

Then, shortly afterwards, the National Weather Service had an announcement.

"Well, what do you think is causing these server storms?" Lance asked.

"Team Plasma must be taking control of innocent Pokémon as we speak, such as Thunderus and Tornadus, two of the strongest Pokémon in the Pokémon Black and White games!" I replied.

"That is cruel and unusual treatment of Pokémon!  Team Plasma should be brought forth to justice!" Lilly yelled.

"Agreed!" Allison replied.

We approached Ford Field, and to my surprise, we had to pass it because of the parking situation.  After we left, "New Divide" was playing again on my iPod.

All of a sudden, a white creature flew fast in front of us with fire coming out of its tail.

"CAN THAT BE?!" Allison and I yelled at the top of our lungs.

"THAT CANNOT BE TRUE?!" Lance yelled.

"I WANT TO GO HOME!" Lilly whined.

"Its N!  We have to run!" I yelled as I was making a turn for the ramp to Interstate 75 South.

Now, this was odd:  nobody was on the road at all!  It was open road.  I decided that since I have a full tank, the pavement is smooth, and my shock absorbers have been upgraded to racing shocks, I decided to floor it.  Good thing my parents were rich, otherwise, I would not have this 2011 Chevy Camero.

I roared down the road at break neck speed, with my warning lights on in case if anyone else is on the road.  As we were exiting Detroit, I had to dodge several Fusion Flares, Dragon Pulses, and any other moves that N's Reshiram has.  At this time, my iPod started to shuffle play, and played "Never Enough" by Kiss a second time.

Chapter 18 - Death of a Friend

Suddenly, N's Reshiram let out its last Fusion Flare.  I knew that I could out run it; however, I was wrong.  We were hit, and soon thereafter, we were in a flaming ball of fire.  Just then my iPod was playing "Little Things Give You Away" by Linkin Park.

"Is everyone okay?" I asked.

"," Latios replied.

"Nooooooooo!" I yelled.  "Listen to me!  You will not die for your duties!  You must stay alive!"

"I am sorry.  Gasp...It is my...gasp...last moments with my friends," Latios replied.  "Latias, you have always been my friend, but now, I shall do one last thing.  It may be the key to my survival, but it can also make you happy again:  I with fuse my essence into George's Soul Dew, that way I may live on. it is the one and only way."

"No it is not!  It is not the only way!  You can still live!" Latias yelled.

"I am sorry Latias, but there is no other way.  I will miss you," Latios told her.  He then went into a cloud to merge his soul with both the Soul Dew and my soul.

After the cloud went into my body, I felt weird.

"I think I am dizzy for no apparent reason," I said.

Suddenly, a big flash of light appeared where I was located.  The intensity of the light was as equally as matched as the Sun's intensity. However, just as quick as it began, the light ended, and I fell to the ground.

" head hurts..." I said weakly as if I had just woken up.

"Is that a talking Latios?!  Did that Latios just talk using its mouth?!" N said in a surprised manner.

"What are you talking about?  I am not a Latios, am I?" I asked. I then looked at myself in theme reflection of an unbroken side-view mirror of what was once my car.  I did become Latios!  I looked exactly like him!  Wondering if I can change back to my human form, I immediately did so.  I looked like I did before my transformation occurred.

"Hey!  It is that kid!  Let's get him!" a Team Plasma Grunt yelled.

'Hop on my back Allison.  We are going somewhere safe," I ensured her using my telepathy.

Allison nodded in reply, and then I told Latias telepathically, 'Latias, hold my hand, and I will teleport the three of us to safety.'

'Understood Latios,' she replied telepathically.

'Did you call me Latios?  I got to get use to that!' I told myself.

I then teleported us to my favorite safe-haven: my old camping site on the opposite side of Michigan.  Nobody was here, not even my old family.

"We are here!  Safe at last," I said.

"Good!  How long do you think it would take them to find us?" Latias asked.

"About a year," I replied.  "Besides, if they are coming, they will think nobody is living here because we will be in the basement."

"That is ingenious!" Allison said happily.

Happiness; however, does not last forever.  Suddenly, a huge lightning bolt came down from the sky and hit the ground.  The weirdest thing of that moment was that there were no clouds!

"What is that?" Allison asked.

"It is the stone of Zekrom.  Legend has it that whoever makes the stone transform into Zekrom, they will be able to team up with Zekrom to save the world," I told them.  "I have an idea!  Lugia!"

'Yes, Geor..." Lugia said but could not finish.

"Don't ask; long story," I warned Lugia.  "Anyways, give this to a guy who runs that new magic shop in Detroit.  He might know what to do with it."

'I was reborn there, so I easily know where it is,' Lugia replied.

"Make sure Team Plasma does not see you or the Dark Stone!" I forewarned.

'I know what to do,' Lugia replied.

Chapter 19 - No More Sorrow

I was listening to my iPod, and I was listening to "No More Sorrow" by Linkin Park.  I wanted those Plasma grunts to know who they are messing with.  But then again, I have to look after Latias.  I will try to do both.

"Everyone, we are going to fight and bring Team Plasma to an end!" I told them.  We then teleported to the Ambassador Bridge.

Meanwhile, back at the campsite, Team Plasma's N arrived at George/Latios's camping site.

"They are not here.  They must have changed locations," N reported.

"Roger that, N.  Come back to base," Gheteis replied.

Back at the Ambassador Bridge, Allison, Latias, and I, in my human form, were looking at the abandoned cars on the bridge when I spotted a car similar to the car that I use to have, except this car was blue with red racing strips.

"Here is our new ride," I said.

"Looks like the old one," Allison commented.

"This is not like the old one at all!  This one is the experimental 2012 Chevy Camero!" I exclaimed.

We got in, and when I started the engine, it had a full tank of gas.  We then floored it, and we got back into the center of Detroit.  We were heading down Interstate 75 North at 210 mph.  Like last time, nobody else was on the road.

"I lost track of the date.  What is today?" I asked.

"Today is only one day until Valentine's Day," Allison replied.

"Thanks," I replied.

As we approached the Detroit Riverfront, we were being followed.

'Who is following us?!' I asked telepathically.

'You should be less aggressive in your tone of voice,' the voice replied.

'Who are you?' I asked telepathically in a nice manner.

'I am the one and only Dialga.  I have come here to warn you about your future.  If you lose control your powers, you will become less human,' Dialga warned.

'I understand,' I replied. 'Also, are you joining our fight against Team Plasma?'

'Yes. However, I am not the only Legendary Pokémon joining though,' Dialga replied.

After Dialga made that comment, I saw every single Legendary Pokémon from all of the Pokémon regions.  However, the only four Pokémon were missing were Zekrom, Reshiram, Latias, and I.  I can tell Latias wants to run away easily because she has no courage left.

"Latias, why don't you merge with Allison so that we can fight as one," I told her.

"That is a good idea! Maybe it might raise my confidence and courage levels!" Latias exclaimed.

Allison then came over and said, "I heard every word.  I am up for it!"

Latias nodded and started to merge with Allison.  Suddenly, a beam of light as bright as the sun appeared in the spot Allison was in moments ago.  About a couple of seconds later, a Latias emerged and fell to the ground.

"Latias? Are you okay?" I asked.

"Latios, I am fine.  I am just pumped for the battle, that's all," Latias replied casually.

I smiled at this. I then realized there was a war to win.

Chapter 20 - A New Divide

Immediately, Latias and I turned into our human forms and got in our Camero.  I started the car to here the CD player starting to play "New Divide" for one last time.

'Is everyone ready? If you are, then we are heading to the abandoned Train Station, which is where Team Plasma is hiding,' I told them.

'We are all ready,' Lugia replied.

"Then follow me!" I yelled. I immediately floored my Camero on Interstate 75 North toward the old train depot.  We were driving at about 225 mph and we could not go faster.

"Should I?" I asked Latias mischievously.

"Go for it," Latias replied.

I nodded and our car went faster than its registered top speed. At this time we were going 260 and we were still going faster.  As I neared the ramp, we were going 300!

We entered the ramp with no problem at all. We then stopped in front of the train station, and as I got out of the car, I was throwing Luster Purges left and right.  It was just amazing!  Latias was throwing everything she has as well as the other Legendaries.  Soon, the Train Depot collapsed and Team Plasma was destroyed except for N.  He escaped through the portal before the building collapsed.

"We will take care of N.  You have your duties as Guardians of Altomare," Lugia told us.

"Thank you, Lugia," Latias and I both said as we went through Palkia's portal.  As we exited the other end if the portal, we were over Altomare.  Soon afterwards, we got back to our duties as Guardians and we lived on to tell the tale to our children.
This is the version of the Tale of Two Latis where George meets N teaming up with Reshiram. This is thelongest piece of literature ever written. If it were to be put into a movie, it would probably last about one and a half hours. I was amazed at the length of the audio file. I am not, however, distrubiting the audio file because it is about 1 GB, and this is not an exaggeration at all!

I do NOT own any pokemon nor do I own any music used in this piece of literature.

I do, however, own the plot, and George and Allison.
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